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Forum Index » Profile for amidama » Topics created by amidama
forum. indicator of new and own messages 3 amidama 35144 May 09, 2017 14:13
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
How to make the uniwar.com website better
Quick rated game 2 amidama 1942 Jul 20, 2016 10:48
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
New button
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19 amidama 7478 Jul 12, 2016 19:31
tommecc [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
competition 0 amidama 1476 Jul 06, 2016 19:03
amidama [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
only paid undo will work soon
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88 amidama 24524 Jun 05, 2016 03:40
volf [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
let the great test begin 10 amidama 4071 Apr 13, 2016 12:26
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
what paid options would you buy in game?
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17 amidama 5507 Mar 26, 2016 15:22
amidama [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
New race (the machine)
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82 amidama 13957 Mar 08, 2016 14:42
amidama [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
recent games list cut from 5 to 2 9 amidama 3613 Mar 07, 2016 14:52
Duaneski [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Field of view update delay 13 amidama 3942 Mar 04, 2016 14:24
amidama [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
New races overview
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43 amidama 8442 Feb 27, 2016 16:51
Apercent [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Do you know how to code? 7 amidama 3093 Feb 18, 2016 09:15
simpleplayer [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
minesweeper 12 amidama 3309 Feb 17, 2016 03:43
Duaneski [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
few things that would allow to win easier
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24 amidama 8046 Jan 09, 2016 02:45
wolkenwand [Latest Reply]
Bug Reports
why players dont surrender 5 amidama 2743 Jan 01, 2016 10:01
amidama [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Forum Index » Profile for amidama » Topics created by amidama
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