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Forum Index » Profile for simsverd » Topics created by simsverd
Balance changes
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15 simsverd 434692 Mar 20, 2021 18:13
simsverd [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
How to play uniwar on a PC
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17 simsverd 265770 Mar 20, 2021 16:01
PincoPallino [Latest Reply]
Guides & Tips
Starting tips in map-making
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22 simsverd 253286 Jul 30, 2019 22:04
milton rodrigues [Latest Reply]
User Generated Maps
In-game tourney feature
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69 simsverd 398173 May 11, 2019 16:44
0james0 [Latest Reply]
Team tournaments - 2:2, 3:3, 4:4
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20 simsverd 173448 Nov 08, 2018 09:30
bankol [Latest Reply]
Version 1.14 coming soon 6 simsverd 51496 Sep 18, 2018 12:48
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
1.12.3/4 (Beta) with new aquatic units 11 simsverd 54289 Aug 23, 2017 14:18
Batteries [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
UPDATE - New units !
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193 simsverd 178173 Jun 21, 2017 13:09
Duaneski [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Welcome to the German forum :) 10 simsverd 29973 May 08, 2017 22:02
der-dude [Latest Reply]
Deutsches Forum
How is winning/loosing points calculated ? 2 simsverd 3958 Apr 24, 2017 07:58
simsverd [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
upcoming balance changes April
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31 simsverd 15082 Apr 20, 2017 15:00
dr. pepper [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Maps for tournaments 11 simsverd 108197 Apr 15, 2017 14:23
Bigface11 [Latest Reply]
Changes to support system 10 simsverd 6402 Apr 11, 2017 22:40
LexTalionis [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Gangup bonus
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51 simsverd 233023 Feb 25, 2017 12:29
wookieontheweb [Latest Reply]
Guides & Tips
1.9.91 released on all platforms - possible buggy 12 simsverd 7364 Feb 18, 2017 08:36
Zomx47z [Latest Reply]
What's New in the Latest Updates
Forum Index » Profile for simsverd » Topics created by simsverd
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