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Messages posted by: anonym551653
Forum Index Profile for anonym551653 »» Messages posted by anonym551653
New Feature Request » UPDATE - New units ! » Go to message
  EventHorizon wrote:I think that the titans need a air unit.

I don't think so, why...
Because the only time that air is a problem is in naval combat. If they had more navy units it wouldn't be an issue. Making air eliminated (via eclipse) for the enemy then having your own is a big advantage and if the titans have it so easily it will be OP. A race without air is more unique and makes the game more interesting. Just pick a different race. I don't want titans with air.
New Feature Request » iOS App Bugs and Game Improvement Ideas » Go to message
My answer to #3

The two tone is awesome looking (with some exceptions). Unless you're color blind you shouldn't have trouble.but to many colors match on different armies

For colors it should be the same for all races with the exception of sapiens typical light grey for second color (second color is like blue for white khraleans) hard my suggestions in rgb, you should change it up to give it a metallic look for non khraleans that works great right now

Player 1. Primary 0,0,255, secondary 64,0,128. Blue and purple would be interesting
2. 255,0,0, 255,128,0. Red and outrage is fine as is
3. 255,255,0, 128,192,255. Yellow and light blue is good already
4. 0,192,0, 0,0,0. To keep green and black
5. 255,128,0, 255,255,0. Orange and yellow would be a good set
6. 0,0,0, 255,0,0. Black and red, need I explain
7. 0,255,255, 0,255,0. Cyan and green would match well
8. 255,255,255, 0,0,255. White and blue are amazing together
My biggest problems now are:

Teal needs to go, it blends in with blue and green and white too easily. Cyan (make blue more of a navy to prevent current problem) would stand out more. (This one sucks so much)

Khraleans and titans secondaries need to match. No more two orange and blue armies.

No more secondaries being the same on different armies. I want more than green khralean limbs and orange titan energy half the time
New Feature Request » suggestion for uniwar future development » Go to message
  simsverd wrote:The price is reduced to 0,99 on Android also (same as iOS), and will later be free in the stores. All players that have a legitimate copy of the game will retain all the features that they currently have, but new free players will have some limitations - for example less onine max games.
It will be possible to buy more max games and other thing (that dont affect gameplay - uniwar will never be a "pay to win" game)

Just no pay to win and I'm fine.
Perhaps Dlc races or a highly improved map maker dlc. That is completely fine with me
New Feature Request » UPDATE - New units ! » Go to message
I hear a lot of people requesting amphibious units, but that's just essential air units that take the same damage types as heavy units. They must have more than amphibious abilities to male them interesting. Perhaps only able to travel on water but not fight. Essentially becoming buried when traveling on water only surfacing when on land. I'm more trying to get an example so this is not a perfect idea but aquatic need more things to make them interesting and unique.
New Feature Request » The Uniwar League » Go to message
  luis91 wrote:
  anonym551653 wrote:We should be able to choose to fight those within our rank or anyone with out limitations. And divisions should overlap so you can without a big difference for any division exclusives (which should be in few numbers if any at all). Just my opinion.

you shouldnt be limited and your choice against who you want to play etc.
This league should only be an alternative game mode, like the tournaments!
You should still be able to play unrated games against who you want and so on!

I misread it I was thinking it was an entirely different concept. So never mind my original post.
New Feature Request » The Uniwar League » Go to message
We should be able to choose to fight those within our rank or anyone with out limitations. And divisions should overlap so you can without a big difference for any division exclusives (which should be in few numbers if any at all). Just my opinion.
New Feature Request » Detailed statistics » Go to message
  rwieczor84 wrote:very good idea, but now priority is new ladder, new units and team tournaments.

What he said
Sapiens » What do you think of this unit idea? » Go to message
  ttmac wrote:Saps simply need their battery to be able to fire 3-5 spaces

That is what the titan one does. The battery instead gets move after attack that makes it able to leave its base and attack on the same turn. The battery is great on both small and large maps unlike the other artillery which are best in only one type of map. Plus buffing the battery means buffing the others as the titan is now an inferior unit that costs more, and the wyrm needs it so it's artillery can still be usefull.

In short bad idea.

As a (hopefully) future game designer and studying to be one, I know why it's bad. Even then batteries are still my favorite artillery despite titans being my overall favorite race. The problem is that most don't know how to use it properly.
New Feature Request » UPDATE - New units ! » Go to message
I won't do a quote here as it will be to big. But I prefer no titan air units. However a another aquatic to help with navy would work. Remember Titans have a lot of flaws as well as strengths which make them unique. Mortar is a good idea but a sniper would be better as it won't have dig in. It can help with anything but heavy and aquatic. The Khraleans´ unit rocks but a pinzer already does that. In fact all of them are, just less so for the others. The titan is anti air but eclipse does that. And I don't know how much I must say this but, TITANS ARE BETTER WITHOUT AIR. The mortar isn't far from battery, if it was cheap (bout 350-450) and good mostly at heavy (and possibly aquatic) but nothing else (even light units), it would make it that much cooler. A for optimism and effort, but not for quality of units . Not trying to be mean here.
General Discussion » Why can't I see my map's data » Go to message
Sorry my device is incapable of doing so to my knowledge.
General Discussion » Why can't I see my map's data » Go to message
For some reason I can't see the times that my map (Bloody River, 8p) has been played and is like/dislikes. I want to get this map rated.
New Feature Request » UPDATE - New units ! » Go to message
The units that can detect invisible units aka buried units remove the importance of the ability, I rarely see this ability in effect so I am against it despite me almost never playing khraleans.
New Feature Request » UPDATE - New units ! » Go to message
  drumstep wrote:I vote for 1.1, 2.2, 3.2, and 4.1.
I agree
New Feature Request » Team base capture » Go to message
There were go, now it's a good idea. I recommend to do it with friends only because of my previous statement
New Feature Request » Team base capture » Go to message
Good for competitive, unfortunately trolls will abuse this
Forum Index Profile for anonym551653 »» Messages posted by anonym551653
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