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Forum Index » Profile for LkASr » Topics created by LkASr
ZoC/Territorial Line and ZoC Mechanics 3 LkASr 1583 Jun 28, 2016 12:58
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Team rename 0 LkASr 628 Jun 20, 2016 19:36
LkASr [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Uniwar Race Skins 6 LkASr 2057 Apr 11, 2016 16:34
cmbaptist [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
3rd New Race Idea: Hiilangi, the Missing Link's Last Stand
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78 LkASr 12705 Apr 09, 2016 14:04
Apercent [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
The most fearsome units in the game 10 LkASr 2242 Mar 25, 2016 14:08
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Concept Art Suggestions by LkASr 3 LkASr 1346 Mar 14, 2016 18:09
Apercent [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
The Revelations of Valkyrie
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17 LkASr 46100 Mar 09, 2016 07:50
LkASr [Latest Reply]
UniWar: Origins
Unit Stat Info Feature 7 LkASr 2011 Mar 08, 2016 13:59
Apercent [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Uniwar Player Chart 6 LkASr 1939 Mar 07, 2016 13:13
TheDragon [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
Revelations of Valkyrie character list 8 LkASr 21720 Mar 04, 2016 23:55
Apercent [Latest Reply]
UniWar: Origins
New terrain ideas 0 LkASr 965 Mar 04, 2016 16:36
LkASr [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Renaming unit types 7 LkASr 1450 Mar 04, 2016 05:14
LkASr [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
New Terrain Idea: Railways and a Possible Train Unit 7 LkASr 1300 Feb 29, 2016 17:56
Apercent [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Uniwar Race Election 2016 [UnE16]
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28 LkASr 6499 Feb 29, 2016 12:44
amidama [Latest Reply]
General Discussion
2nd New Race Idea: Atlantics, the Aquatic Terrors
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42 LkASr 7853 Feb 28, 2016 17:31
LkASr [Latest Reply]
New Feature Request
Forum Index » Profile for LkASr » Topics created by LkASr
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